Archaeology @ Olde England

This was a series of monday night archaeology talks (with lots of slides) on the theme "An Introduction to the Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon and Viking England" in the upstairs bar of the Olde England pub, 199 Kettering Road, Northampton NN14BP and ran from November - February, 2015 - 2017. It consisted of 12 x 1 hour(ish) talks starting at 8.00pm and ran in roughly chronological order from the 5th century to 1066. There was a beer-break in the middle of each talk!
The basis of the talks was the Anglo-Saxon and Viking module at the University of Leicester Certificate in Archaeology course, and is a general introduction to the subject
Pub website:
The basis of the talks was the Anglo-Saxon and Viking module at the University of Leicester Certificate in Archaeology course, and is a general introduction to the subject
Pub website: