I am always happy to prepare pottery reports from test-pitting carried out by amateur groups, and have done so for a number of such bodies nationally. I can deal with pottery assemblages from any of the areas listed on the home page of this site. My standard report consists of tables listing the number and weight of sherds of pottery by type from each spit/context of the test-pit, along with descriptions of each pottery type, a summary of the dating and any significance the finds may have. The approximate cost is £5 - £10 per test-pit assemblage, assuming the pottery has been separated from the other finds, washed, dried and bagged. This cost may vary if very large (or small) amounts of pottery were found.
A sample report, from HEFA/ACA test-pitting at Potton, Beds, can be downloaded here:
A sample report, from HEFA/ACA test-pitting at Potton, Beds, can be downloaded here: